In Brazil we study Portuguese as a school subject learning grammar (which makes kids hate it). Once I was told it's not like this in English speaking countries, but I've never understood how it happens. I'm curious! What about other countries?
Studying the mother tongue
I don't remember studying English grammar, but I'm sure I did. I do remember writing lots of essays, book reports and stories though. And some teachers were really picky about grammar at that point.
Learning German every day!
I know it's not an English speaking country, but in Spain we have a subject that combines literature and grammar. And yeah, most people hate it because you have to analize the type of sentence and its components: the type of word (verb, noun...) and its use inside the sentence (complemento directo, complemento indirecto... I don't know their names in English xd). Some sentences are easier to analize than others.
Just messy.
PiAlfa wrote:I don't know their names in English xd)
Lol - that makes two of us.
Learning German every day!
Just like the way we study Portuguese in Brazil.PiAlfa wrote:I know it's not an English speaking country, but in Spain we have a subject that combines literature and grammar. And yeah, most people hate it because you have to analize the type of sentence and its components: the type of word (verb, noun...) and its use inside the sentence (complemento directo, complemento indirecto... I don't know their names in English xd). Some sentences are easier to analize than others.
In Colombia we study Spanish grammar in schools too. Actually I guess it is important. May be we know how to "write", i mean the alphabet. But we can't write an essay or something like that. Our literacy is not that good. We are trying to improve that with education (also, I don't know how to write in English hehehe).
I hope you have a nice day! Native: Spanish 🌺
In the Philippines, we also study English grammar from pre-school, I think. When we move to higher grades, we have a combination of lit and grammar. I didn't like it to be honest. Analyzing the grammar rules of stories and poems just seem to ruin it. But I guess, it somehow works since we can write essays.
HolaIsabel wrote:In Colombia we study Spanish grammar in schools too. Actually I guess it is important. May be we know how to "write", i mean the alphabet. But we can't write an essay or something like that. Our literacy is not that good. We are trying to improve that with education (also, I don't know how to write in English hehehe).
One of the things I remember doing is when we have to translate short essays in our native language to English so we can improve writing. Maybe you can try that? :)
oh, thank you for the suggestion :) I'll try some day :)
I hope you have a nice day! Native: Spanish 🌺
In Lithuania, we learn Lithuanian grammar and literature.