Michelle.Batan wrote:Jess.PWinkler wrote:Ari wrote:In my country we gather the 24 to wait until midnight and then we have a big dinner and exchange gifts. There is a lot of music and parties. I remember one of my favorites traditions growing up were Las Posadas, where kids will dress as shepards and there will be a representation of Mary and Joseph. And they will go from house to house singing and asking for a place to stay just like the story of the Nativity.
In the month of December everything is more joyful, full of lights, decorations, music and more importantly the union of the families.
I think that we latinos have a lot of things in common xD....
In my country there are two options:
- People go to 11-12AM mass to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.
- People party and drink and wait till 12AM to hug everyone, have dinner and give presents. Then they keep partying.
We eat hallacas (like mexican tamales with european and african heritage), pan de jamon (ham bread - with olives and raisins), pernil (pork) and ensalada de gallina (hen salad with potatoes)
On new years eve we have a tradition, we wait till 12AM and we eat 12 grapes and each one represents a wish :)
Why grapes? Is there a reason behind?
The grapes are for good luck. You eat them and save the seeds, and that will be your lucky number.
There are a lot of traditions for new years. Like wear red or yellow underwear to find love. Go out with suitcases at midnight if you want to travel that year. And there are more that I don't recall at this moment.