Seeing as it was Halloween yesterday, I figured we can have a thread where you can share some of your favorite traditions from all over the world ^_^
What are some of the traditions in your country?
Here in Philippines, we light up several candles at night to welcome the soul of the dead family member. :) Don't celebrate it now though but most people still.
Charlyn Amoin
In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
Michelle.Batan wrote:In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
So much effort, poor dudes! D:
Aww, so much for showing affection. LolMichelle.Batan wrote:In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
Michelle.Batan wrote:In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
Tbh I kinda like this, it's sorta sweet ^_^
In my country (macedonia) we have something that's sorta similar to Trick or Treating
We do it a day before Christmas, and kids early in the morning (some even start at 4 or 5AM! but it's usually around from 6 to8/9/10 AM) go from house to house and sing a song (the song is always the same)
Then people (if they want lol) get out from their house and give the kids sweets/snacks/fruits and sometimes money even :D
The kids are supposed to represent the people that went house from house when Jesus rose from the dead and told everyone about it.
But....the song that's sung it's actually.....pretty fuckng (can we swear on this site? :D ) hardcore..
Like...I am going to try to translate it cause I know people that are not from my country will be like "Wait...little kids sing this...and it's normal...and it's Christian???"
Christmas eve - Christmas Eve (ok we have an actual name for the day before christmas but I can't translate it otherwise haha)
A bar fell down
It killed( as in figure of speech - hurt) grandpa
Grandpa is struggling
Grandma is hatching
With 4 eggs
Goose eggs, duck egs
Christmas Eve!
Today is Christmas eve (we have a word for this as I said)
Tomorrow is Christmas
We will slaughter a calf
Calf says "no
Don't slaughter me
I'll buy you cabbage
you'll bake a pie (cabbage pie is a thing here, not sure if this would be seen wierd or not haha)
so you can all eat"
....I honestly don't get the history of this song and I don't think majority actually knows it haha
Jess.PWinkler wrote:Michelle.Batan wrote:In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
So much effort, poor dudes! D:
indeed! lol but its different nowadays, you can be engage in a mutual relationship by just texting/chatting :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
TemitopeAkinyede wrote:Aww, so much for showing affection. LolMichelle.Batan wrote:In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
It is still happening in other provinces here in the Philippines.
do the right thing even when nobody is watching
dragonsky wrote:In my country (macedonia) we have something that's sorta similar to Trick or Treating
We do it a day before Christmas, and kids early in the morning (some even start at 4 or 5AM! but it's usually around from 6 to8/9/10 AM) go from house to house and sing a song (the song is always the same)
Then people (if they want lol) get out from their house and give the kids sweets/snacks/fruits and sometimes money even :D
The kids are supposed to represent the people that went house from house when Jesus rose from the dead and told everyone about it.
But....the song that's sung it's actually.....pretty fuckng (can we swear on this site? :D ) hardcore..
Like...I am going to try to translate it cause I know people that are not from my country will be like "Wait...little kids sing this...and it's normal...and it's Christian???"
Christmas eve - Christmas Eve (ok we have an actual name for the day before christmas but I can't translate it otherwise haha)
A bar fell down
It killed( as in figure of speech - hurt) grandpa
Grandpa is struggling
Grandma is hatching
With 4 eggs
Goose eggs, duck egs
Christmas Eve!
Today is Christmas eve (we have a word for this as I said)
Tomorrow is Christmas
We will slaughter a calf
Calf says "no
Don't slaughter me
I'll buy you cabbage
you'll bake a pie (cabbage pie is a thing here, not sure if this would be seen wierd or not haha)
so you can all eat"
....I honestly don't get the history of this song and I don't think majority actually knows it haha
That song is f****d up!! :o
dragonsky wrote:Michelle.Batan wrote:In the olden days, being a couple in the Philippines was a big deal. The man would have to prove himself worthy of the womans affection before any sort of intimate relationship (so much as holding each others hands) is permitted by the parents. We also have what we called panghaharana or serenading. It is actually related to the old Filipino tradition of courtship. This where a woman is supposed to look out the window only after several nights of being serenaded by the man, then the man usually brings along some of his friends to play the guitar or any other accompanying instruments while he sings. And it would take several months or years before they engage in a mutual relationship. lol
Tbh I kinda like this, it's sorta sweet ^_^
In my country (macedonia) we have something that's sorta similar to Trick or Treating
We do it a day before Christmas, and kids early in the morning (some even start at 4 or 5AM! but it's usually around from 6 to8/9/10 AM) go from house to house and sing a song (the song is always the same)
Then people (if they want lol) get out from their house and give the kids sweets/snacks/fruits and sometimes money even :D
The kids are supposed to represent the people that went house from house when Jesus rose from the dead and told everyone about it.
But....the song that's sung it's actually.....pretty fuckng (can we swear on this site? :D ) hardcore..
Like...I am going to try to translate it cause I know people that are not from my country will be like "Wait...little kids sing this...and it's normal...and it's Christian???"
Christmas eve - Christmas Eve (ok we have an actual name for the day before christmas but I can't translate it otherwise haha)
A bar fell down
It killed( as in figure of speech - hurt) grandpa
Grandpa is struggling
Grandma is hatching
With 4 eggs
Goose eggs, duck egs
Christmas Eve!
Today is Christmas eve (we have a word for this as I said)
Tomorrow is Christmas
We will slaughter a calf
Calf says "no
Don't slaughter me
I'll buy you cabbage
you'll bake a pie (cabbage pie is a thing here, not sure if this would be seen wierd or not haha)
so you can all eat"
....I honestly don't get the history of this song and I don't think majority actually knows it haha
Very interesting holiday. Thanks for sharing!
Right now they are celebrating the patriotic days in my country. They include the day of the flag, the day independence day from Spain and the separation day from Colombia. These days are off so no work and they will close the main avenues so that the bands from many schools can march and pay honor to our country. It is very festive and people will wear the traditional dresses, La Pollera.
dragonsky wrote:Calf says "no
Don't slaughter me
Oh, begging for his life! LOL
Everyday is a learning journey. Keep going!
Ari wrote:Right now they are celebrating the patriotic days in my country. They include the day of the flag, the day independence day from Spain and the separation day from Colombia. These days are off so no work and they will close the main avenues so that the bands from many schools can march and pay honor to our country. It is very festive and people will wear the traditional dresses, La Pollera.
Thanks for sharing, I like it ! :)
btw what country are you from? I suppose (with some cheeky gogole help haha :D ) Panama
We have the "Dancing devils of Yare", every Corpus Christi (nine Thursdays after Holy Thursday), a ritual dance is performed by the so-called "Dancing Devils," who wear colorful garments (commonly all red), layers of stripped fabric, masks of grotesque appearance and also accessories like crosses, scapulars, rosaries and other sorts of amulets.
Later on, the group moves towards the front of the church and when the mass has ended, the Eucharist is placed at the church's entrance and a sort of fight representation begins between the devils and the guardians. Finally, the devils surrender and kneel in front of the Eucharist to show submission. The entire performance represents the victory of Good over Evil.

Jess.PWinkler wrote:We have the "Dancing devils of Yare", every Corpus Christi (nine Thursdays after Holy Thursday), a ritual dance is performed by the so-called "Dancing Devils," who wear colorful garments (commonly all red), layers of stripped fabric, masks of grotesque appearance and also accessories like crosses, scapulars, rosaries and other sorts of amulets.
Later on, the group moves towards the front of the church and when the mass has ended, the Eucharist is placed at the church's entrance and a sort of fight representation begins between the devils and the guardians. Finally, the devils surrender and kneel in front of the Eucharist to show submission. The entire performance represents the victory of Good over Evil.
We got those too. I did not have a clue other countries have them too, just wow. We call them Los Diablicos Sucios
dragonsky wrote:Ari wrote:Right now they are celebrating the patriotic days in my country. They include the day of the flag, the day independence day from Spain and the separation day from Colombia. These days are off so no work and they will close the main avenues so that the bands from many schools can march and pay honor to our country. It is very festive and people will wear the traditional dresses, La Pollera.
Thanks for sharing, I like it ! :)
btw what country are you from? I suppose (with some cheeky gogole help haha :D ) Panama
You are correct, I am from Panama
Here is another Panama's famous traditional dance called El Punto.
Ari wrote:We got those too. I did not have a clue other countries have them too, just wow. We call them Los Diablicos Sucios
Awesome!! I didn't knew either :o
btw on a sorta unrelated you have any PERSONAL traditions?
like..idk..watching a certain movie in a certain part of the year..watching something with your friends...doing something when you are watching your fave sports team..something like that haha
dragonsky wrote:btw on a sorta unrelated you have any PERSONAL traditions?
like..idk..watching a certain movie in a certain part of the year..watching something with your friends...doing something when you are watching your fave sports team..something like that haha
My kids sort of created a tradition for their own benefit the both get at least a present when is their sibling's birthday.