I want to read 1984 (George Orwell), I happen to have the book in English and I will start to read it soon. But I was thinking, we are often taught about our native country literature and there must be so many good books we're missing just because we don't know them. I read Animal Farm and I loved it, I think those books are quite known so, do you know any good book in English you would recommend? :)
Good books in English
I recommend No Comebacks. It's a collection of short stories by bestselling author Frederick Forsythe. This book is quite possibly the most dog-eared book that I own. I love every story in it. Give it a try.
Phillip.Laplana wrote:I recommend No Comebacks. It's a collection of short stories by bestselling author Frederick Forsythe. This book is quite possibly the most dog-eared book that I own. I love every story in it. Give it a try.
Thank you for the recommendation! As soon as I finish 1984 I will give it a try!
leosmith wrote:The Science Fiction Hall of Fame: Volume I
Thank you Leo!
Aleksys.P wrote:I'm currently reading "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E Frankl, I'm into non-fiction, memoirs, and some history.. so far this book is good!
ooooh. we have the same taste in books :grin::grin:
Chill wrote:Aleksys.P wrote:I'm currently reading "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E Frankl, I'm into non-fiction, memoirs, and some history.. so far this book is good!
ooooh. we have the same taste in books :grin::grin:
you might want to share some titles?

Dune. Do not pass from this mortal coil until you have read this phenomenal sci-fi classic.
Someone has read "The lord" of the flies"? I've heard it is a good one.
Jess.PWinkler wrote:Someone has read "The lord" of the flies"? I've heard it is a good one.
This one?

Learning German every day!
leosmith wrote:Jess.PWinkler wrote:Someone has read "The lord" of the flies"? I've heard it is a good one.
This one?
This one! I know the "Lord of the rings" xD

Jess.PWinkler wrote:This one! I know the "Lord of the rings" xD
It was required reading in my high school. I hated it, but ymmv.
Learning German every day!
Aleksys.P wrote:Chill wrote:Aleksys.P wrote:I'm currently reading "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E Frankl, I'm into non-fiction, memoirs, and some history.. so far this book is good!
ooooh. we have the same taste in books :grin::grin:
you might want to share some titles? :sweat_smile:
have you read the Count of Monte Cristo?