JaeHong.S's recent topics


Hello All! 

As I mentioned at the title of this topic, I am very interested in learning German nowadays.

I already purchased a lot of German lesson related book so I can practice and study by myself.

However, since I am studying alone and I feel like I'm losing my interest in learning German.

Would there be some fun ways to learn German for a beginner?

Any German kids songs or stories you would like to recommend?

Thank you! :) 


옛날에 눈이 안좋은 할아버지가 있었습니다.


할아버지는 나쁜 시력때문에 안과의사를 집으로 불러서 치료를 했습니다.


의사는 할아버지의 눈을 치료해주면서 집안에있는


물건들을 몰래 조금씩 훔쳐갔습니다.


할아버지의 눈치료가 거의 끝나가고 의사가 치료비를 요구하자


할아버지는 돈을 지불할 수 없다고 했습니다.


의사가 화를 내자 할아버지가 말했습니다.


"여보게 내가 당신에게 치료를 받기전보다 눈이 더나빠진것 같네


전에 당신에게 치료를 받기전에는 집안에 있는 물건들이 잘보였었는데


당신에게 치료를 받고나니 집안에 있는 물건들이 안보인다우"



I decided to post songs from my country, South Korea.

We sometimes feel like listening to music all day and doing nothing.

I recommend you of those K-Pop songs and hope you like listening to it :)


두 나무가 서로

나이 자랑을 하고 있었어요.


"내 나이가 많다!"

"아니아, 내 나이가 더 많다!"


지나가던 나무꾼이

그걸 보았어요.


"누구 나이가 많은지

내가 가려 줄게."


"나이테를 보면

알 수 있으니까."

나무꾼은 두 나무를 잘랐어요.


"둘이 똑같군 그래."

나이 자랑을 하던 두 나무는 모두

잘리고 말았답니다.


 이야기에서 두 나무는 서로 자기의 나이가 더 많다고 싸우고 있었지만 결국 나무꾼이 나무를 잘라 나이테를 확인한 결과 둘은 나이가 똑같았다. 하지만 이미 두 나무는 나무꾼에게 잘리고 말았다.

요즘 시대는 자기를 남에게 적극적으로 알려야 하는 시대다. 하지만 자기 자랑이 지나치면 교만해질 수 있고, 교만은 결국 주변 사람들을 힘들게 해 떠나게 만들고 양쪽 모두 상처를 입게 된다.


숲 속에 앞을 못 보는 곰이 살고 있었어요.

동물들은 눈 먼 곰을 볼 때마다 놀려댔어요.

"왜 모두들 나만 보면 놀려댈까?"

눈 먼 곰은 눈물을 뚝뚝 흘렸어요.

어느 날, 먹이를 구하러 다니던 곰이 바위

밑으로 굴러 떨어지고 말았어요.

"나 좀 도와줘요."

곰이 소리쳤지만 아무도 달려오지 않았어요.

그때, 다람쥐 한 마리가 지나가다가

다친 곰을 보았어요.

"아휴, 얼마나 아프니?"

다람쥐는 곰을 치료해 주었어요.

눈 먼 곰과 다람쥐는 친구가 되었지요.

하루는 사나운 늑대가 다람쥐를 잡으려고

쫓아 왔어요.

"곰아 나 좀 숨겨 줘." 다람쥐가 소리쳤어요.

눈 먼 곰은 다람쥐를 안고 엎드렸어요.

"이 쪽으로 온 다람쥐를 못 보았니?"

늑대가 씩씩거리며 물었어요.

"눈이 멀어서 앞도 못 보는 내가 어떻게 다람쥐를

볼 수 있겠니/"

이 소리에 늑대는 숲속으로 가버렸답니다.


동물들도 꿈을 꾼다.

고양이가 자는걸 지켜보면 고양이가 마치 달리는 것처럼 발을 움직이고 뭔가를 쫓는 것처럼 소리 내는 것을 관찰할 수 있다.

강아지를 키우거나 고양이를 키우는 사람들은 가끔 이런 이야기를 한다.

애완동물들이 자다가 사람들이 잠꼬대를 하듯이 몸을 뒤척이거나 혼잣말을 하거나 하는 경우가 있다는 것이다. 

그래서 혹시 동물들도 꿈을 꾸는 것인가? 하고 생각 했던적이 있었는데 사실인가보다. 

사실 개와 고양이같은 포유류들은 인간이 가지고 있는 대뇌는 없지만 대뇌보다 더안쪽에 있는 감정을 담당하고 있는 간뇌까지는 가지고 있다고 한다. 

그렇기 때문에 개와 고양이들이 자신을 사랑으로 키워주는 주인만큼은 알아보고 잘 따르는 것이라고 한다. 

그렇기 때문에 개와 고양이 같은 포유류의 동물들이 꿈을 꾼다는것 역시 가설이 아닌 사실이라고 말할수 있을것 같다.


Technically speaking, Sous Vide is a cooking technique that precisely controls temperature to make restaurant-quality food consistent. 

Fine restaurants have always been using souvide recipes for years to cook food with the exact level of maturity they want. 

These technologies have recently become popular in the home, with the advent of economical and easy-to-use Subid precision cooking tools .

Souvide, which means 'vacuum' in French, refers to the process of placing food in a bag, vacuum-sealing it, and then cooking it at a very accurate temperature in the water bath. 

This technique produces results that are impossible with other cooking methods.


어떻게 공허함을 채울 것인가?

거창하게 말씀드렸지만 사실 답은 간단합니다.

어떤 걱정거리가 있다고 한다면 그것을 모든 노력을 기울여서 온전하게 집중하는 겁니다.

가까운 미래에 무엇인가를 발표하거나 어떤 테스트를 한다거나 한다면 그것을 걱정하는 수준이 아니라 굉장히 치열하게 그 내용들을 연구하고 들여다보고 그러는 것이죠 ^^


5 Tried and True Ways to Teach Yourself Korean

1. Master the Hangul. The 한글 or Hangul is the Korean alphabet. ...

2. Invest in a Good Learning System. Having the right manuals is important on your journey to teaching yourself Korean. ...

3. Flashcards. Flashcards aren't just for middle schoolers. ...

4. Join Language Exchange Communities. ...

5. Watch Plenty of Korean Dramas.


코로나19 확진자가 급증하면서 지역사회 감염 차단을 위해 실시되고 있는 캠페인이다. 

많은 사람들이 모이는 행사 및 모임 참가 자제, 외출 자제, 재택근무 확대 등이 이에 해당한다. 

사회적 거리두기라는 표현에 대해 세계보건기구(WHO)는 이 말이 사회적으로 단절되는 것을 뜻하지 않는다며, 

‘물리적 거리두기(physical distancing)’라는 표현으로 바꾸고 있다고 밝혔다.


This time is very tough for everyone in the world.

However, we shouldn't stop what we've been doing.

For me, my school got shut down and most people around me already returned to their home.

I am staying here in my area. I didn't want to give up on whatever I was doing on.

I would say

Don't give up!

If you need any helps or any notices, please comment below!

Pray for you all!


In these days,

It shows the increasing number of people watching Youtube.

I was wondering what you prefer to watch in Youtube?

For example, in Korea, people love watching Youtube clips about introducing food.

There are many Youtubers who make contents about food and show people how they eat and what they eat.

What is the main topic in your country?


Olympics is coming very soon!

You can choose whichever you prefer :)

After vote, please write down your country and your pick on comment below!!

Thank you!


Hello All!

As many of you have heard or watched this 2020 Oscars

this film made from Korea was awarded 4 times: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Foreign Language Film, Best Original Screenplay.

It was a big issue in Korea still now that first Korean director got Oscars awards and even that was 4 of them.

There was a director, Bong Joon Ho, he speaks English well enough to speak about himself, yet he used his interpreter, Sharon Choi to convey his speech more clear to the audiences.

Although this interpreter, Sharon Choi was not a professional interpreter, she perfectly performed her job and translated what Bong Joon Ho exactly said on his speech.

This was also a big issue among people in the world that her interpretation was very impressive and extraordinary.

My Question is

How would you think about this film? (Either you watched it or not)

How would you feel about Sharon Choi's interpretation?

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftz-BPqCiZU

During his speech, at the very last, he said, "I will drink until next morning."

This is a joke that he made up to express about his explosive feeling at that moment, yet this joke is very Korean style joke. Many people seemed like they liked about this joke. How would you rate this joke to you personally? :)


Hello Everyone!

As I am currently pursuing PhD. Degree in the University, I am suddenly doubting myself whether it will really help me in the future or it would have been better if I get a job instead.

In Your Country,

Is Education Level important? Would that be a lot different between Bachelor degree and PhD degree?

*Any opinions I would appreciate :)


Hello Everyone!

I believe most countries are having winter season now!

However, I just feel like this winter is not cold as much as last winter.

I was in Korea a few weeks ago, and it was definitely warmer than any winter in Korea.

I am in the United States now, but I feel the same as this winter is not cold in worldwide.

How do you think about your country weather now?

Please share with me :)


2020 Year!!

I would like to know how you greet for the New Year!

In Korean Language, we say

ex) 새해복 많이 받으세요!!

This does not literally mean "Happy New Year," but it means something like we wish you to have good luck and fortune of this year.

How do you say it in your country?

Leave comments please! :)


Hello, Everyone!

As everyone knows, the Christmas is coming very soon.

I just came up with this question, "How do you spend your Christmas Day?"

I have a close German friend who told me that they have two-days Christmas. I haven't heard any details yet, but this was very fascinating to hear.

Ex) In Korea, typically, many couples spend their time together and go travel or eat dinner in a restaurant.

Ex) In the United States, normally, people spend their time with their family at home. Most shops or restaurants are closed on Christmas Day.  

Please share with me with a couple of sentences about your thoughts and stories :)


In my opinion, nowadays, the second language is the most important element for getting a job or living in a better life.

As a matter of fact, not learning a second language would not affect too much on your life living.

However, for your bright future, it is essential to learn second language to broaden your knowledge and choices in your life living.

If you are over 30, it might be a little late for you to start learning a new language.

For your child(now or later), it is a good start to educate them a second language.

In my personal opinion, if I have a child, I would make him/her start learning a second language at the age of 7.

As your child's younger, the more he/she learns a second language quicker and more accurate in accent.

The Question Is,

Would you educate your child in his/her young age to learn a second language?


I was reading an article about the most questions foreign students or exchanged students might have been asked.

I mostly agreed about the questions that I was reading through the article. 

I am sharing some questions you might as well get asked (Fun things).

#1 "You are from (Your country)?" "You must be from (Capital)"

Ex) "You are from Sweden?" "You must be from Stockholm"

- For those students who are not from their country capital might get irritated if they keep getting this question.

#2 "Say something in your language!"

-Personally, I really do not like to speak up my native language in front of English speakers. How do you think about this one? Would you like or dislike speaking up your native language?

#3 Your language sounds like angry/sad/noisy/funny/weird.

-As I am a native Korean, I have been heard that it sound like "I hate everything........"

#4 My friend is from "Your country." Do you know them?

-Of course I do not know them. Just because I am from Korea, I do not know every Korean living in the United States.

#5 You look like "Jackie Chan." (this applies to people from East Asia countries)


Personally, those are the questions I got asked frequently.

*If you are currently a foreign student/exchange student or was, please leave comment below about the questions you have been asked :)


As I traveled around Europe, I was just curious about something I would like to ask.

I see Spanish, Italian and French seem similar to each other.

If you are either Spanish or Italian or French, would you say that it is easy to learn and improve those languages other than any other languages?

I already asked some of my European friends. Some of them said that it was easy to learn those languages than the other languages like German or Russian. However, the others said that it was still difficult to learn those languages same as the other languages.

I want to ask about your opinions!

If you're a Spanish or Italian or French speaker, please leave a comment below!

P.S. I also love any opinions from everyone! :)


안녕하세요 !!

한국어 선생님 입니다!!!

제가 한국어 교육을 위해 여기에 한국어 Q&A 방을 설립하려고 합니다.

한국어 공부중에 모르는거 있으시면 여기에 댓글 부탁드립니다. 친절하게 알려드리겠습니다 ^^


This is Korean teacher!

I am creating a new topic here for Q&A for Korean language learner!

Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions :) 


In these days, I see a lot of people learning new languages in East Asia countries.

I came up with an idea to give you some interesting facts and information in future about the language you choose the most.

Please choose one if you ever thought about learning :)

*If you leave a comment (1 or 2 sentences) why you choose this language to learn, I'd be appreciated it !!!!! 


I found this very interesting. I want to share this with you all. As I'm a native Korean speaker, English was always my second language. However, I started thinking like why did I need to learn another language? As I look back on my life history, English was the most important part of my life. My job was related to both Korean and English. In order to communicate with others, I needed to speak English. Here is the video. Please watch it and share your opinions or thoughts :)


여러분 안녕하세요

Hello Everyone

여러분들을 위해 한국어 자료들을 많이 올릴 생각입니다.

I'm trying to upload many Korean related studying materials for you to learn "Korean"

자료들은 보통 영상과 오디오 그리고 스크립트로 되어있습니다.

Study materials are usually videos and audio with script written in Korean.

많이 많이 봐주시고, 원하시는 자료 있으시면 요청 가능합니다.

Please, watch as much as you want, and if you would request for specific study materials, please leave a message in here or to me directly.

한국어 공부 열심히 하시고 자주 뵈요!

Study Korean hard and see you later!


Population: 51 million people live in South Korea (2017). The majority of the people live in the province surrounding Seoul in the north west of the country.

Capital: Seoul with 10 million inhabitants is also the country's biggest city

Name: Republik of Korea (ROK)

Government: Presidential Republic

National Holiday: 15 August (Liberation Day)

Language: Korean

Literacy: More than 95% can read and write.

Religion: Main religions are Christianity (27%) Buddhism (15%), however many practise Confucianism regardless of their religious beliefs

Currency: 1 South Korean Won equals 100 Jeon

South Korea Flag

National Symbols: taegeuk (yin yang symbol), Hibiscus syriacus (national flower) and the Siberian tiger (national animal). The national colours are red, white, blue and black.

South Korea Facts: History: For many centuries, South Korea was an independent kingdom, 

but after 1905 the country was ruled by the Japanese. 

After Japan surrendered to the USA after the Second World War in 1945, 

Korea gained independence again, but the country soon was split between South Korea (which is largely supported by the USA) and communist North Korea along the 38 degrees latitude. 

Since 1953 South Korea's economy expanded successfully, 

while the people in North Korea are very poor and the relations between the two Koreas are very strained.


1. I used a flip book while out on walks, on the subway and other downtime

Making a habit out of using that book even in just a few spare minutes really added up and kept the vocabulary words at the forefront of my mind until they were engrained and I didn’t have to think about them anymore.

2. Tell local friends to only speak Korean for constant practice

The problem (at first) was: most of them only spoke Korean!

That really encouraged me to learn as much as I could so I would be able to communicate with them. They were always so kind to me and I really wanted to know them but at first the language barrier was such a problem.

3. Join a Korean class

These classes really were helpful because I got to learn the language in a formal setting, which is really helpful for my learning style. We had homework each week so we had to make sure we were studying.

4. Befriend local people who are excited to help you learn

They loved hearing me speak Korean and wanted to speak with me more.

It was a good opportunity for more practice but the best part was it allowed me to meet and talk to people that I wouldn’t normally have gotten to know.

5. Listen to TV and focus in on words and phrases

I would watch my favorite Korean drama (‘The Heirs’ [상속자들] was a particular favorite!) and listen in for key words or phrases I would know.

6. Practice with school (or hagwon) students

My students were so excited when I would practice with them!

If they didn’t know a word in English, I would have them say it to me in Korean and I would translate it for them (not every time, but it happened more regularly as my studies progressed).

7. Necessity makes a big difference

Sometimes there are situations where you just NEED to speak the local language.


Tip #1: Learn Hangul

As with any new language, mastering the alphabet is a great way to kickstart your journey to fluency. 

While the unfamiliar Hangul characters may seem intimidating at first, the Korean alphabet is not very difficult to learn.

Tip #2: Build Your Vocabulary

Once you have Hangul down, you can start building up your vocabulary. 

Begin with the basics such as numbers, days of the week, and basic conversational phrases, 

then add to your vocabulary depending on the reason you’re studying Korean.

Tip #3: Konglish is Your Friend

There are many “Konglish” (Korean+English) words that make up a significant sum of everyday language.

Tip #4: Surround Yourself with Korean

One of the best ways to keep your brain engaged with Korean is to expose yourself to the language daily. 

This can be as simple as changing your phone’s language settings, or 

sticking post-it notes on everyday items around the house with their Korean words.

Tip #5: Discover your Learning Style

One simple, but crucial tip for how to learn Korean fast is to understand your unique learning style. 

There are three main learning styles:

Visual (learning by seeing)

Auditory (learning by listening/hearing)

Kinesthetic (learning by actions)

Tip #6: Take Lessons with a Korean Teacher

Structured learning through private lessons with an experienced tutor can provide the extra push you need to truly fast track your learning. 

Not only will you have someone to guide you through tricky concepts like grammar rules, 

but you’ll also have someone to hold you accountable to reaching your goals.


Tip #1: Find a Language Partner

There’s no doubt that the best way to improve your language skills is to get as much speaking time as possible. 

Find a Korean language group near you on sites like Meetup. 

If you don’t have any Korean communities nearby, you can also try finding language partners online through forums or groups on Facebook.

Tip #2: Take a Group Korean Class

While learning a language can (and should) be a lot of fun, 

you might find yourself losing some motivation after a period of time. 

Find ways to keep your practice routine fresh, 

such as taking a group Korean class with other like-minded learners.

Tip #3: Watch K-dramas and Listen to K-pop

Watching Korean dramas, movies, and TV shows is a fun way to incorporate more Korean into your daily life and increase your vocabulary. 

If subtitles are available, turn them on in case you come across a word you haven’t learned yet.

After a while, you’ll be surprised at your brain’s ability to connect phrases and vocabulary with their meanings, 

even if you haven’t exclusively studied them yet!

Tip #4: Have an Immersion Experience

If you have the time and resources, 

the best way to learn Korean fast is through complete immersion in Korean culture. 

Take a trip to Korea and you’ll be challenged to speak and read in Korean at every turn.

Although many Koreans will be able to speak to you in English, 

commit to only speaking in Korean. 

If you have to, explain that you are trying to learn the language.

Tip #5 Set SMART Goals

All the above are excellent tips for how to learn Korean fast, 

but without specific goals you may find yourself overwhelmed with all the new information you’re taking in. 

Set SMART goals to create a learning strategy that includes healthy milestones and will keep you motivated to achieve the next steps.






Tip #6: Don’t be Discouraged

If you’ve made it this far, you’re obviously serious about learning Korean. 

Don’t be discouraged if/when you make mistakes along the way, 

and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone to practice speaking Korean more. 

Native speakers will appreciate your efforts and enjoy helping you learn!

Mastering Korean takes time and effort; as the saying goes, 

“Nothing worth having comes easy.” 

So celebrate each time you achieve a goal, and remember what inspired you to learn Korean in the first place! 

It will feel incredibly rewarding when you look back and realize how much Korean you’ve learned to speak, read, and write.


Hello there LEARNERS

안녕하세요 여러분

I'm a native Korean speaker also a Korean language teacher.

저는 한국 사람이고 한국어 선생님 입니다.

Right now, I will explain about the effective ways to learn Korean language.

지금 저는 한국어를 배우는데 있어 효과적인 방법들을 알려드릴까 합니다.

First of all, Master the Hangul

첫번째로 한글을 배우십시오

Hangul is a Korean version of alphabet. Think about when you first started learning your first language(I bet no one could remember that). It is very important start to learn other languages as beginning.

한글은 한국식 알파벳 글자 입니다. 여러분이 처음 언어를 배울때를 생각해 보세요(아무도 기억 안날거라 생각나지만). 이것은 정말로 중요한 첫걸음이라고 생각합니다.

2. Invest your time to learn Korean through this Language Tools

여러분의 시간을 투자해 이 Language Tools 사이트에서 한국어를 배우세요

I'm putting all the good and various resources for learning Korean in this Language tools so many learners can learn Korean language in a good way.

저는 좋고 다양한 한국어 교육 리소스를 여기 Language tools 사이트에 만들고 있습니다. 그래서 배우시고싶으신 분들이 쉽고 좋은 방법으로 한국어 교육을 접할 수 있습니다.

3. Flashcard

플래시 카드

Has anyone used "Flashcard" in your school years? This could help you memorize all Korean words as well as Hangul.

플래시 카드를 써보신적이 있나요? 이방법은 한국어로된 글자 또는 단어를 외우는데 도움이 많이 됩니다.

4. Join Language Exchange Communities

랭귀지 교환 커뮤니티에 가입하기

If you think you need some native Korean speakers to talk with, you can freely join any Language Exchange Communities.

한국어를 연습해보고 싶으시다면 랭귀지 교환 커뮤니티에 가입하는 방법도 나쁘지 않습니다.

5. Watch Plenty of Korean Dramas

한국 드라마 많이 보기

Nowadays, Korean dramas has been gradually popular in worldwide.

요즘들어 한국 드라마가 전세계로 인기가 많은데요.

You can start watching Korean dramas and practice your Korean language skills.

여러분이 한국 드라마를 보면서 한국어 연습을 할 수 있습니다.

Those ways I mentioned above would help you increase your Korean language level eventually.

제가 쓴 이 방법대로 연습을 하신다면 한국어 능력이 크게 향상될 것 입니다.


어린 시절, 체하거나 배앓이를 할 때 배를 어루만져 주던 엄마의 손길을 기억하시나요?

“엄마 손은 약손~”으로 시작하는 나른한 노래가 곁들어지곤 했었죠.

아마 대부분은 엄마 손의 따스한 온기와 다정한 노랫소리에 배의 통증이 가라앉는 경험을 했을 거예요.

그 놀라운 치유를 경험했을 때, 모르긴 몰라도 이런 생각이 들지 않았을까요? 

엄마의 노래가 배가 아픈 원인을 제거하는 데 도움을 줬을까요? 직접적인 효험까진 아니라도,  

엄마에 대한 우리의 믿음이 만든 치유 효과는 있었을 겁니다. 

고대 이집트의 ‘치유의 주문’은 엄마 손처럼 주술과 처방이 함께 이뤄졌습니다. 

사실 오늘날 파피루스 처방전을 살펴보면 효험이 있을까 싶은 재료들도 종종 있습니다. 

하지만 주술이 주는 심리적 효과는 엉터리 처방의 부족함을 충족시켰을 것입니다. 

약물에 효과가 없을지라도, 주문과 주술을 통해 얻은 강력한 심리적 암시와 믿음이 가짜 약에 탁월한 효능을 부여하기 때문이죠.   


Want to learn Korean? Good call! Korean is hot property.

Interest in the language has soared over the past few years.

“Gangnam Style” by Korean pop icon Psy was the first YouTube video to reach one billion views 

(and the first to hit two billion views).

K-Dramas – Korean television dramas – are a rising trend that’s set to take the world by storm.

Why the Korean Alphabet is Easy to Learn

The first step in learning the Korean language is becoming familiar with the Korean alphabet, 

as it’s likely considerably different from the other languages you’re familiar with. 

When first seeing the Korean alphabet, many people assume that it is just a bunch of squiggles 

and that it is as impenetrable as learning the thousands of Chinese characters that students of Mandarin face. 

Believe it or not, this causes some learners to give up before they even start!

In Korean:

‘ㅅ‘ sounds like ‘s’;

‘ㅏ’ sounds like ‘a’;

‘ㄴ’ sounds like ‘n’.

When put together they look like ‘산’ , which is pronounced as ‘san’. 

Rather than being just three letters in a line, it makes a nice self-contained block!

Pronouns are rarely used in Korean, so you can often just say the verb. 

The other person can guess from context who you are referring to. 

As a result, here is a verb conjugation list for the verb 먹다 (to eat) in the present tense:

I eat – 먹어요

you eat – 먹어요

he eats- 먹어요

she eats – 먹어요

they eat – 먹어요

we eat – 먹어요 (in case you didn’t notice, they are all the same).

Equally, Koreans rarely expect foreigners to speak Korean perfectly 

so they won’t judge you as harshly as people from some other countries if you mispronounce a word. 

Learn the basics with some help, and then get out there and experiment with all the doors that you’ve opened 

by beginning the Korean learning process!


1. 인생을 주도하는 첫 번째 힘, 생각의 힘

사람은 무엇을 생각하고 있느냐에 따라 무엇이 되어가고 있으며 무엇을 생각하려고 하느냐에 따라 

무엇인가를 추구하는 자신의 이상을 점차 완성해가고 있는 존재다. 

고로 생각하는 인간은 궁극적으로 숭고하고 존귀한 존재이다. 

그러므로 그대는 모든 현상에 대하여 절실히 생각하기를 멈추지 말라.

2. 인생을 주도하는 두 번째 힘, 긍정적인 생각

하지만 어떤 생각을 하느냐는 인생의 가장 중요한 결정이 될 것이다. 

그렇다면 도대체 어떤 생각이 자신의 인생을 행복하게 할까?

그 해답은 바로 긍정적인 생각을 하는 것이다. 

긍정적인 생각은 가장 처참한 상황에 처해 있을지라도 스스로를 값싸게 동정하지 않고 가치 있는 

존재라고 여기며 다시 일어설 수 있는 힘을 주는 최상의 생각이다.

3. 인생을 주도하는 세 번째 힘, 상상력

삶을 가장 재미있게 그리고 모험심 넘치게 사는 방법 중 하나가 상상하는 일을 즐겨 하는 것이다. 

상상은 무료한 일상에 활력소가 되어줄 것이며 답답한 생활에 시원한 청량음료가 되어줄 것이다.


나잇살은 한 마디로 '성호르몬의 균형이 맞지 않을 때 조기폐경, 내장비만 등 각종 문제가 생기고

중년의 경우에는 갱년기로 인한 나잇살을 피할 수 없다고 합니다.

나잇살과 내장지방을 없애주는!

먹어야할 2가지 음식을 소개해드리도록 하겠습니다 :)

1. 팽이버섯

칼로리도 100g 32kcal로 매우낮고,

효능도 있어 중년 여성에게 특히 좋다고 합니다

팽이버섯에 함유된

버섯 키토산에는 '키토 글루칸' 성분이 들어있어

콜레스트롤, 중성지방을 조절하여

내장지방이 감소되는 효과가 있다고해요

2. 풋사과

가장 큰 장점은 바로 '플로리진' 성분을 함유하고 있다는 것인데요

(식품 중에 플로리진 성분을 가진 것은 풋사과가 유일하다고 해요)

풋사과는 그대로 먹거나

갈아서 혹은 착즙해서 드시면 됩니다

*씨에는 독성이 있다고 하니 꼭 빼고 드셔야 합니다!


종종 그럴 때가 있습니다. 어딘가 분명히 간지러운데,

어디인지 아무리 찾아서 긁어봐도 시원해지지도 않고 찾아지지도 않는 그런 종류의 간지러움.

마치 벌레가 오른팔부분 어딘가에 다니는 듯한 느낌이 드는데

그게 정확히 어딘지도 모르겠고, 여러 부위를 함부로 마구 긁다보면 아프기만하죠.

우리가 가려운 곳을 긁으면 그 부위는 매우 시원한 느낌을 받습니다.

그리고 이 때문에 가려운 곳을 계속 긁으려고 하죠.

이렇게 시원한 느낌을 받는 이유에 대해

미국 미네소타대학교의 글렌 기슬러 박사 등 연구진이 연구를 진행해본 결과

가려움을 느끼는 부위를 손으로 긁어주면 뇌에 신호를 전달하는 척수신경세포가 '가렵다'라는

신호 전달을 멈추면서 더이상 그 느낌이 뇌에 전달하지 않기 때문이라는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
