aseem wrote:Could you please add Linguee for German.
aseem wrote:Could you please add Linguee for German.
Language Crush Support Team
Could you add the following options for French?
Thank you!
Paula.Spindler wrote:Could you add the following options for French?
Thank you!
Learning German every day!
Would it be possible to add Context Reverso to all language that they have avaliable?
I find it particulary useful for Turkish, Romanian, French and Italian.
ricardo.aprende wrote:Would it be possible to add Context Reverso to all language that they have avaliable?
Learning German every day!
Thank you!
leosmith wrote:ricardo.aprende wrote:Would it be possible to add Context Reverso to all language that they have avaliable?
Hey Leo, I've just found your great site but I'm still struggling with one thing. I like to read with context reverso dictionary, but I tested with one passage but it only appears 2 dictionaries(oxford and merriam). How could I change the dictionary? And another question, it's possible to open the dictionary as soon as I click on the word I want to see the translation? I'm not sure if I made myself clear. Other than that, I simply loved everything here.
gogginz wrote:I like to read with context reverso dictionary, but I tested with one passage but it only appears 2 dictionaries(oxford and merriam
I don't know why the context reverso English dictionary isn't appearing; I have written a ticket.
gogginz wrote:it's possible to open the dictionary as soon as I click on the word I want to see the translation?
Yes, just make your preferred dictionary the default. Select a word>dictionary icon>default. To reset, got to settings>clear default dictionary selection.
Learning German every day!
leosmith wrote:gogginz wrote:I like to read with context reverso dictionary, but I tested with one passage but it only appears 2 dictionaries(oxford and merriam
I don't know why the context reverso English dictionary isn't appearing; I have written a ticket.
Learning German every day!
Can this be added to the dictionary for Cebuano?
As it stands, the previous dictionary we had added no longer seems to work. may play nicer with OPLINGO. the one from here.
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Any word on fixing the current cebuano dict and adding a second option?
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Clayton.Henderson wrote:Any word on fixing the current cebuano dict and adding a second option?
I just wanted to quickly say that I think this has been done - can you verify?
Learning German every day!
leosmith wrote:Clayton.Henderson wrote:Any word on fixing the current cebuano dict and adding a second option?
I just wanted to quickly say that I think this has been done - can you verify?
Doesn't seem to be unless its an error on my end. The bohol dictionary keeps giving back buntag as the result no matter what word, and I don't see the other dict added yet.
Also just noticed the Cebuano conversations! Nice! I'm having the SEA site convos translated and slowly uploading them but yours are great! I'll be sure to share it around.
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Clayton.Henderson wrote:Doesn't seem to be unless its an error on my end. The bohol dictionary keeps giving back buntag as the result no matter what word, and I don't see the other dict added yet.
They are both working for me. If you haven't done so already, you may need to go into your reading tool settings (the gear at the top when you open a passage) and hit the "clear default dictionary" button. The Bohol dictionary seems to have less words, but it gave me a definition for "paga", for example, when I clicked it in this passage:
wrote:Also just noticed the Cebuano conversations! Nice! I'm having the SEA site convos translated and slowly uploading them but yours are great! I'll be sure to share it around.
Learning German every day!
I love this dictio for portuguese: Dicio - Dicionário Online de Português
I hope you have a nice day! Native: Spanish 🌺
HolaIsabel wrote:I love this dictio for portuguese: Dicio - Dicionário Online de Português :flag-pt: :flag-br:
Learning German every day!
Hey guys,
I am busy using this platform to learn isiZulu. The website has a very comprehensive isiZulu dictionary that would be great to use.
Luke.Liebenberg wrote:The website has a very comprehensive isiZulu dictionary that would be great to use.
Learning German every day!
Is it possible to add for vietnamese