what is the best method to learn english

Learning English

Well, I'm new to this site, I'm looking for other people's experience to build a good strategy in my English studies. First of all, I'm still at the basic level.

Would you like to know how I can learn to read and write in this language, watch cartoons without subtitles, read at least one text with audio a day, see everyday phrases and speak to natives would be a good strategy?

Thanks in advance for the answer.

Learning Chinese - Mandarin, Dutch, English, German, Japanese, Spanish

Maybe try these 2 apps: memrise and lingvist. I used them on my computer for free.  

Memrise courses by memrise have audio and are free (they also have courses by other users).

Lingvist is free only for 14 days and works by lot of 50 cards, don't hesitate to do more if you have the time and energy,

That should help with "see everyday phrases".

Read texts with audio. No need to do it everyday but try to do it as often as possible.

Do you like cartoons ? I recommend watching something you like. Whatever it is watch and rewatch it many times with and without subtitles (one time Portuguese then English or no subtitles). Listen without the pictures if there is no dialogue for too long you should probably watch other shows or other episodes.

Don't speak to natives. Listen to youtubers, to podcasts. Read texts with no audio.

Posts71Likes54Joined17/9/2019LocationMexico City / MX
Learning English, German

Welcome to the forum Daira! 

I think a good place to start is taking notice of the vocabulary and language structures you should prioritize as a beginner. What will you use the most? What phrases are the most useful? Which topics resonate more with your personal life? This is a video that tackles this kind of problem very well, I am very fond of this guy:


Also, try building a schedule. In your case, you can start by learning a bit of vocabulary for 20 min for example, then reading 30 min, and then writing a short text. That's just an example, do what is best for you. I also made a post on "writing habits", feel free to check it out as it may be useful to you: https://languagetools.io/forum/pp/11862

Try having a look to "write and correct" and the "reading tool", I trust they will be very useful for your current objectives with reading and writing.

Lastly, I will share my personal experience with learning German. I started with high school classes. I do think a teacher can be very helpful when starting, but not essential. Since starting the B1 level, I also acquire a lot of knowledge with podcasts and videos (in a format that is strongly adapted to language learning, try looking up "easy languages" on youtube). I find flashcards to be useful, but I would advise learning vocabulary through context, it gives you way more information about the vocabulary you are learning. I would strongly recommend that you indeed immerse yourself as much as possible by watching cartoons or reading. However, make sure the content you are absorbing is appropriate to your level. Otherwise, you can get frustrated easily and will not learn as well as you could. 

Best of luck and have fun! 

Language shapes our view of the world.


First of all, your writing is very flawless!

In my case, I studied English by watching American drama or series and practice those sentences or quotes from the movie.

I also tried to listen ABC News or CNN news to get used to listening English

I sometimes take notes about sentences that I would like to memorize

But the best method is to make native English speaker friends!

While communicating with them and get your English skills developed are the best scenario for learning English! 

Posts0Likes0Joined17/5/2020LocationCape Town / ZA
Learning Afrikaans

Practicing every day, on a website like this will certainly help you. It's like going to the gym if you don't exercise your muscles you lose them!

Candice Pere

Galician, Spanish
Learning English, Korean

In my experience learning English for years, the best thing you can do first is learn vocabulary and some grammar. I guess you already are on that stage because you were able to write this post (even if you used a translator). 

After that, surround yourself with English. It isn't very difficult. Think about a book, a series, a movie or a videogame that you like. I'm sure most of them are in English or have a huge English-speaking audience. Watch videos and read posts about it. If you don't understand a word you can always search its meaning. Personally, I use WordReference for that. You can also try to interact with the people who made that content writing a comment.

(Oh my god I just noticed this post was created a year ago, so I'm pretty sure she won't see this. Anyways, if anyone else is reading this I hope it'll help you)

Just messy.

Learning English, Italian, Portuguese

When you have a more advance level I'd recommend Assimil. But not for total beginners. It has notes about "cultural" situations pretty light and I like it. Just take it with calm because it could be a little overwhelming at first glance. I love that the audios has different accents. I use their "perfeccionamiento" series.

I hope you have a nice day! Native: Spanish 🌺 

Learning English

I actually learned English by watching youtube videos, but not the lessons, just random videos with topics, which interested me. Also, I watched as much as possible movies and TV series in English as possible. I was taking English song lyrics and translating them to my language, practicing my skills, I was playing computer games (especially The Sims) and that's how I improved my English. The grammar lessons were never the thing that worked for me. 

Posts1726Likes1136Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
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Ugne.Bulotaite wrote:
I actually learned English by watching youtube videos, but not the lessons, just random videos with topics, which interested me.

I'm not learning English, but I do this to practice listening in all my languages. It's a lot more fun than videos that are made for learners, but more advanced too.

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Posts0Likes0Joined23/3/2021LocationRanchi / IN
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To be fluent in an language surround it about yourself. Read, Speak, Write. Seems to easy...it will be good if you can find a 

Posts0Likes0Joined25/3/2021LocationSouth Cotabato / PH
Learning Cebuano, English, German, Japanese, Korean

The best way learn English is watching English videos, talk with people, reading articles and try to listen and write it.

Learning English

I already write a couple of times on different topics (or forums) on my learning experience and methods, so, if you are interested you should check it out. I don't want to write the same thing over and over again everywhere, so I wouldn't spam the site. :) 

Posts1726Likes1136Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
Learning Italian
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Ugne.Bulotaite wrote:
I already write a couple of times on different topics (or forums) on my learning experience and methods, so, if you are interested you should check it out. I don't want to write the same thing over and over again everywhere, so I wouldn't spam the site. :)

Feel free to post links.

Learning German every day!


The only way to make English better is practice. I'm talking with an American boy for 2 years and he teaches me a lot. But I don't have anyone who can speak English with me in my town/office/home. I couldn't improve my English.


Posts1726Likes1136Joined18/3/2018LocationBellingham / US
Learning Italian
Other Chinese - Mandarin, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Thai

Mavis.Bean wrote:
I don't have anyone who can speak English with me in my town/office/home.

Hi Mavis,

Have you tried the chat tool here? You may be able to practice speaking on it.

Learning German every day!

Posts0Likes0Joined24/3/2021LocationManila / PH
Learning Spanish

Mavis.Bean wrote:
The only way to make English better is practice. I'm talking with an American boy for 2 years and he teaches me a lot. But I don't have anyone who can speak English with me in my town/office/home. I couldn't improve my English.

Try also participating in forums where people write and respond in conversational English. It's a good way to practice language. You can correct yourself while you write. :)

